New Planned Giving Website Available

July 25th, 2014 Posted in From Our Alumni

The UT Foundation just introduced a new website that focuses on bequests, gifts from IRA’s and deferred gifts such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. The website,, is interactive and is divided into four sections.

Planned giving websiteIn the first section, there is information about our Heritage Oak Society, for those who have informed the Foundation that it is in the donor’s estate plan, some donor highlights and the Foundation’s contact information.

The second section allows you to answer some simple questions to help discover the right gift technique for you. This second section is further divided into three additional parts: gifts that anyone can make, including bequests or trust gifts, gifts that pay you income, such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities and gifts that protect assets. In this part, you actually can run some numbers and “try out” a gifting technique to see, for example, what kind of payout and charitable deduction might be available to you.

The third section allows you to compare various gifting techniques and gives information about the goals and benefits of these gifting techniques. The fourth section provides valuable information about personal estate planning, including a will planning wizard, some handy personal financial planning calculators and information about the Foundation for your professional advisors.

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